Ansible for DevOps

Errata and Changes

Since many book sales platforms don't allow easy book revisioning, this page will collect all known flaws in Ansible for DevOps, starting with the 1.0 release (as tracked on LeanPub).

If you'd like to report an error or suggest an improvement, please post an issue in the Ansible for DevOps issue queue on GitHub.

Version 2.2 - Current

  1. No errata at this time.

Version 2.1 - 2.2

  1. #501: Update remaining references to yum to use dnf, as yum is not used on any modern versions of RHEL.
  2. #505: Update package name for Debian/Ubuntu python software properties in chapter 1. (thanks to mbart13!)
  3. Removed deprecated warn: false option from Hubot example in chapter 15.
  4. Update all Vagrant VM host-only private network IP ranges to
  5. #545: Molecule CI installation requires molecule-plugins[docker] install in chapter 13.
  6. #531: When testing with Molecule, systemd in containers requires cgroupns mode set to host, and a read-write volume.
  7. #542: Fix various broken documentation links for Ansible Lint and Molecule (thanks to cristisulighetean!).
  8. #539: Fixed old reference to RHEL where Rocky Linux is being used (thanks to dropsignal!).
  9. #526 (see also #484): Update Drupal example to PHP 8.2 and Drush 11 in chapter 4 (thanks to thescalaguy and Brain2life!).
  10. #533: Fix Kubernetes example using new role configuration variables for control_plane and docker_packages in chapter 16 (thanks to weshouman!).
  11. #471: Update Kubernetes example to 1.23 in chapter 16 (thanks to hippogriffin!).
  12. #512, #500, and #491: Fixed minor grammatical and URL errors in chapters 13, 2, and 14 (thanks to tphbrok, cateee, and daniel-robitaille!).
  13. #498: Remove unneccessary reference to a command that is no longer in use in Flask MySQL container configuration in chapter 15 (thanks to hubertbanas!).
  14. #507: Update molecule init command example for creating a new role in chapter 13 (thanks to elexwiz!).

Version 2.0 - 2.1

  1. #314: Explicitly define a mode in the copy task in the molecule example in chapter 13 so the copied web page is readable by the Apache web server.
  2. Install molecule[docker] in test dependency installation for GitHub Actions to ensure the Docker plugin is present.
  3. Bump geerlingguy.elasticsearch role version to 5.0.0 in chapter 9 requirements to incorporate an installation fix.
  4. #393: Fix molecule test failing in chapter 13 due to Ansible not being installed.
  5. #403: Update Node.js to version 14 in Hubot Docker example to fix yo compatibility issue.
  6. #442: Fix incorrect use of the term 'play' in Node.js app example.
  7. #447: Adjust php-apcu package to php7.4-apcu so install succeeds without PHP CLI version going to 8.1. (thanks to MrPOC!)
  8. #461: Add mysql_replication_role to lamp_db hosts in LAMP server Vagrant inventory file in chapter 9. (thanks to MrPOC!)
  9. #445: Update references to now-mothballed service Server in chapters 3, 5, 8, and 10. (thanks to fosstube!)
  10. #436: Fix invalid line reference in a note in chapter 5.
  11. Adjusted Molecule example in chapter 13 to use FQCNs to avoid adding extra ansible-lint configuration.
  12. #225: Move success message to node.js app's listen callback in chapter 4. (thanks to mkrawczuk!)
  13. #466: Fix duplicate 'the' in a line in chapter 3. (thanks to @MrEddX!)
  14. #453: Fix various references (especially in chapters 1-6, 11, and 13) to CentOS 8 that are now using Rocky Linux 8 because CentOS 8 is no more.
  15. #463: Fixed link to Ansible's docs for 'magic variables' in chapter 5. (thanks to HonkinWaffles!)
  16. #425: Fixed node.js forever example in chapter 4 to use Rocky Linux 8 and new path plus updated Remi repository URLs. (thanks to varunvats and kenhia!)
  17. #408: Fixed broken link to Ansible's built-in user module documentation. (thanks to CodingIsLove!)
  18. #439: Typo fix: s/linefile/lineinfile in chapter 11. (thanks to clevengr!)
  19. #438: Fix erroneous reference to provisioning.yml playbook (that doesn't exist) in chapter 10. (thanks to clevengr!)
  20. #437: Grammar fix: missing the word 'use' in a sentence in chapter 9. (thanks to clevengr!)
  21. #399: Grammar fix: do you and not to you in chapter 9. (thanks to jlmuir!)
  22. #398: Finish updating all references to 'Mac OS X' and 'OS X' to just 'macOS'. (thanks to jlmuir!)
  23. #347: I don't think I'll ever use 'it's' correctly. Fixing many instances of it's where it shouldn't be so possessive. (thanks to David-Gil!)
  24. #395: Fix an instance of 'the' being used twice in the same sentence in a very improper manner. Grammar gets me again. (thanks to geerew!)
  25. #460: 256 MB of RAM was not enough for anybody. Bumped limits for www servers in chapter 10 and node.js servers in chapter 9 to 512 MB of RAM. (thanks to MrPOC!)
  26. #319: Fixed an extra dangling double quote in chapter 5. (thanks to gpatkinson!)
  27. #324: Fixed an extra 'a' in chapter 5. I need to do better there. (thanks to braykov!)
  28. #330: Fix example path to an script in chapter 3. (thanks to grendelson!)
  29. #333: Fixed a few lingering ntpd references that should be chronyd in chapter 3. (thanks to rpappalax!)
  30. #351: Fixed typo: 'explicitly' and not 'explictly'. (thanks to Octobug!)
  31. #380: Use case-insensitive grep when searching for 'cookie' string in output in load balancer example in chapter 10. (thanks to typ-ex!)
  32. #456: Fix 'is blue' assertion for string comparison to use == in chapter 7 filter plugin example. (thanks to MrPOC!)
  33. #337: Use pip3 when installing django in chapter 3 example by setting the correct options. (thanks to doug-rosser!)
  34. #429: Improve Rails deployment example in chapter 10 (note: it still isn't working correctly right now due to various issues stemming from dependency hell).

Version 1.23 - 2.0

  1. Adjust apt name parameter to take list of packages to ensure are removed in example in chapter 10.
  2. Fix some confusing language around plays and tasks in 'use sudo' section in chapter 10.
  3. #280: Adjust json line in Python dynamic inventory file in chapter 7 to be compatible with Python 3.
  4. #281: Simplify imports in Python dynamic inventory file in chapter 7.
  5. #202: Add new chapter 7 on 'Collections' and increment existing chapters 7-15 to chapters 8-16.
  6. #206: Remove Vagrantfile compatibility_mode setting in chapter 9 ELK example since it's not as important with Vagrant 2.2.8 and later.
  7. #284: Fixed errant 'playback' term in chapter 6, replaced with 'playbook' (thanks to claycooper!).
  8. #273: Added validate option for SSH config in chapter 11.
  9. #271: Add note about seport configuration required for SSH example in chapter 11 so SELinux allows SSH to run from alternate port on RHEL or CentOS.
  10. #219: Don't recommend using sudo when installing Ansible or Boto via pip in chapters 1 and 8.
  11. #249: Update Helm section in chapter 16 to use new Helm v3 modules in community.kubernetes collection.
  12. #250: Incorpoate latest Ansible best practices for choosing dependencies and using project-local dependencies in appendix B.
  13. #278: Updated broken links to various Vagrant resources in chapter 2 (thanks to vonDowntown!).
  14. #293: Update variable information in chapter 5 to incorporate the ability to start variable names with underscores (_), and a mention of the convention of using that for private role variables (thanks to kolewu!).
  15. #212: Completely rewrite the Tower and AWX section in chapter 12 with new content based on running AWX via Docker Compose.
  16. #295: Update all examples using Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04.
  17. #299: Move Gluster example code in chapter 9 to Ansible for DevOps GitHub repository and update to Ubuntu 20.04.
  18. #301: Move Docker Flask app example from chapter 15 into Ansible for DevOps GitHub repository and update everything to Ubuntu 20.04.
  19. #298: Update syntax of role requirements files to use name instead of src and use roles keyword for better organization.
  20. #93: Assume Python 3 by default and remove extra python raw module install step in Let's Encrypt example.
  21. #187: Fix php roles to work correctly out of the box in Debian Buster and Ubuntu 20.04.
  22. #191: Update section on fail vs. assert in chapter 13 to note the difference in playbook output between the two.
  23. #195: Add warning about NOPASSWD use in sudoers file in chapter 11.
  24. #229: Update DigitalOcean dynamic inventory example in chapter 8 to use newer DigitalOcean modules. Also update DigitalOcean provisioner example in chapter 9 to use newer DigitalOcean modules.
  25. #304: Update AWS lamp-infrastructure example in chapter 9 to use newer image and work better with SELinux enabled.
  26. #239: Make sure apt caches are updated in HAProxy load balancer deployment example in chapter 10 (thanks to searsaw and MacFlurry!).
  27. #256: Update Ansible Vault example in chapter 5 to be able to run locally by default.
  28. #258: Add geerlingguy.pip role dependency to ELK server example in chapter 9 and increase VirtualBox VM RAM allocation from 2 to 4 GB (thanks to mandrews4!).
  29. #259: Update chapter 10 Rails deployment demo Vagrantfile for better WSL compatibility (thanks to mandrews4!).
  30. #288: Fixed the word 'the' which should be 'then' in the 'Configuring a firewall' section of chapter 11 (thanks to claycooper!).
  31. #283: Adjusted a few things in chapter 11 for compatibility with CentOS 8 security configuration, and added link to new security examples included in the book's repository (thanks to fama!).
  32. #286: Fix zero-downtime deployment example Vagrantfile comment in chapter 10 - it said 'four' servers when 'three' were actually defined (thanks to claycooper!).
  33. #277: Fix filename in chapter 11 apt autoupdates example; was 10periodic, now 20auto-upgrades (thanks to glillico!).
  34. #303: Update chapter 8 and chapter 9 AWS inventory examples to use the aws_ec2 inventory plugin.
  35. #260: Default to using inventory files in projects, rather than the default global /etc/ansible/hosts file, in chapters 1, 2, 3, and 8.
  36. #307: Update Apache Solr version in chapter 4 example to 8.6.0.
  37. #308: Update Drupal example in chapter 4 to install Drush 10 and Drupal 9, using new Composer-based setup.
  38. #306: Fix capitalization of 'Chrony'. It should be 'chrony' (thanks to Redmar-van-den-Berg).
  39. #221: Update multi-server orchestration example in chapter 3 to use on CentOS 8, Python 3, and Django 3. Also add automated testing of most of the examples in chapter 3 against test Docker containers.

Version 1.22 - 1.23

  1. #101: Describe a modern Ansible testing workflow by move testing content into dedicated chapter, chapter 12, covering yamllint, ansible-lint, Molecule, and other testing strategies. Also, bump former chapters 12-14 into chapters 13-15.
  2. #246: Update formatting of code examples.
  3. #245: Fix dynamic inclusion of variable files based on ansible_os_family in chapter 5.
  4. #220: Update 'Your first Ansible playbook' example in chapter 2 to use chrony instead of ntp, and highlight Ansible's syntax possibilities.
  5. Updated list of tested platforms in Travis CI testing example in chapter 11.
  6. Mention ansible-bender alongside mention of legacy Ansible Container software in Docker example in chapter 13.
  7. #101: Describe a modern Ansible testing workflow by move testing content into dedicated chapter, chapter 12, covering yamllint, ansible-lint, Molecule, and other testing strategies. Also, bump former chapters 12-14 into chapters 13-15.
  8. #238: Add acl to list of installed dependencies in Drupal installation example to fix permissions error during Drupal installation Composer tasks (thanks to misse!).
  9. #222: Fix confusing use of playbook instead of 'play' in chapter 4 (thanks to mkrawczuk!).
  10. #223: Remove now-removed --become-user CLI shortcut -U from example in chapter 4 (thanks to mkrawczuk!).
  11. #224: Remove warning about lineinfile not being able to validate sudoers file with visudo (thanks to lustoerk!).
  12. #226: Mention the default login credentials in chapter 11's Jenkins example (thanks to lustoerk!).
  13. #227: Start using ansible-galaxy role instead of bare ansible-galaxy when running role-related commands in chapter 6, in preparation for Ansible 2.10 and beyond (thanks to thescouser89!).
  14. #230: Replace instances of ansible_ssh_user with ansible_user.
  15. #247: Mention 'The Bullhorn' newsletter as a resource for keeping up with the Ansible community in the introduction.
  16. #251: Removed a wayward parenthesis in chapter 4 (thanks to rechvs!).
  17. #254: Fixed path to ELK main.yml playbook in example in chapter 8 (thanks to mandrews4!).
  18. Updated book version to 1.23, set latest Ansible version to 2.9.9.

Version 1.21 - 1.22

  1. #211: Fixed typo with duplicate 'on's in chapter 13 Docker example (thanks to @kevinbowen777!).
  2. #210: Updated automatic updates example in chapter 10 to use more modern unattended-upgrades configuration files (thanks to @kevinbowen777!).
  3. Added note about use of dnf-automatic instead of yum-cron for RHEL and CentOS 8 and the latest versions of Fedora in chapter 10 automatic updates section.
  4. #209: Don't use sudo when running ansible-galaxy install in chapter 9 multi-server deployment example (thanks to @kevinbowen777!).
  5. #208: Clean up playbook variables section in chapter 5 and clarify use of Facter and Ohai if they are present on the systems being managed.
  6. #203: Fixed two clumsy sentences in GlusterFS example in chapter 8 (thanks to @kevinbowen777!).
  7. #207: Clarified reasoning behind pre_tasks section in relation to the rest of a play in chapter 4 (thanks to @gaddman!).
  8. #213: Fixed paragraph describing non-existent tasks in Drupal example in chapter 4 (thanks to @dirks!).
  9. #216: Fixed use of deprecated -s in ad hoc tasks in Gluster example (thanks to @hatchmount77!).
  10. #217: Fixed free -h command and grammar in chapter 1 ad-hoc examples (thanks to @ew0k!).
  11. #215: Fixed three grammar issues (well two really, one wasn't a problem) identified by KDP's quality scan.

Version 1.20 - 1.21

  1. Fixed typo with duplicate 'to's in Foreword (thanks to @jmowens!).
  2. Fixed role requirements.yml file example for git role source (it was using 1.x parameters and didn't work in 2.x - thanks to @7php!).
  3. Fixed typo in chapter 13 regarding Ubuntu version used for Flask app (thanks to Kasia Gauza!).
  4. Fixed incorrect --remote-user flag for ansible-playbook in chapter 4's 'user options' section (thanks to peurKe!).
  5. Fixed order of first two paragraphs in chapter 4's extra yum repository example (thanks to rusnino!)
  6. Fixed incorrect ansible command to install git if missing in chapter 3 version control example (thanks to rusnino!).
  7. Removed extra mention of with_items from chapter 4's Apache installation example since it uses a list passed to the yum module directly (thanks to guntbert!).
  8. Remove confusion in chapter 4 with_items example by formatting the dict in a list using YAML instead of JSON (thanks to dirks!).
  9. Removed unused restart solr handler from example in chapter 4 because YAGNI (thanks to dirks!).
  10. Removed extra % in regexp for sudo example in chapter 10's 'use sudo' section (thanks to danmichaelo!).
  11. #196: Rebuilt and rewrote ELK example in chapter 8 to use modern versions of the ELK stack components and Filebeat.
  12. #197: The Jinja2 project was renamed to 'Jinja', so references in the text were updated accordingly.
  13. #198: Update chapter 4 Drupal playbook example to use Drupal 8.8.x.
  14. #189: Update molecule project GitHub URL in chapter 11 (thanks to apatard!).
  15. #194: Fixed link to AWS dynamic inventory script in chapter 7 (thanks to @goagex!).
  16. #193: Fixed usage of ansible_kubectl_namespace in kubectl connection example in chapter 14 (thanks to SamyCoenen!).
  17. #192: Fix idempotence of Drupal playbooks by ensuring codebase is owned by the Apache user, www-data (thanks in part to arashpath!).
  18. #190: Fixed order of EPEL repo installation in Node.js example in chapter 4 to be more technically correct (thanks to arashpath!).
  19. #184: Update Node.js shell script install example in chapter 4 with newer Remi repo URL and more correct ordering (thanks to peurKe and arashpath!).
  20. Updated book version to 1.21, set latest Ansible version to 2.9.3.

Version 1.17 - 1.20

  1. Updated some outdated links in introduction.
  2. Updated Express app version requirement in chapter 4 since 3.x is no longer supported.
  3. Fixed Ubuntu LTS version reference in chapter 4 LAMP example (thanks to @deoren!).
  4. Adjust apt module usage in chapter 4 LAMP example to fix deprecation warning (thanks to dglinder!).
  5. Fixed ‘capcacity’ typo in chapter 9 (thanks to Ruan A!).
  6. Completely refactored and updated Ruby on Rails deployment example in chapter 9 to use the latest OS and Ruby versions.
  7. Fixed some ham-fisted typos regarding Ansible, Inc. in the Introduction (thanks to @eCubeH!).
  8. Fix yet another instance of it’s which should be its in chapter 5 (thanks to @erikj!).
  9. Fix shell examples in chapter 4 to use https instead of http (thanks to @erikj!).
  10. Use CentOS 7 in LAMP infrastructure example in chapter 8 (upgrade from CentOS 6).
  11. Update the Kubernetes example in chapter 14 to use Kubernetes 1.13 instead of 1.11 (thanks for identifying the issue @srufle!).
  12. Update Windows Vagrant and VirtualBox-based Ansible example in appendix a.
  13. Update deployments behind a load balancer example to use Ubuntu 18.04 in chapter 9.
  14. Update rolling deployments example to use Ubuntu 18.04 in chapter 9.
  15. Update Gluster example in chapter 8 to use Ubuntu 18.04 (thanks for identifying the issue @dino-github!).
  16. Add apt cache update task in chapter 9 rolling deployment example.
  17. Update task name for Tiller ServiceAccount in chapter 14 (thanks to Richard D!).
  18. Added note about ssh service name difference in example in chapter 10 (thanks to @stegr04!).
  19. Fixed Dynamic includes example file path in chapter 6 (thanks to @sandipb!).
  20. Added note about RHEL servers requiring additional geerlingguy.epel repo added for 9-line LAMP example in chapter 6 (thanks to @sandipb!).
  21. Completed section on obtaining Let’s Encrypt certificates in chapter 12.
  22. Completed section on Nginx HTTPS proxying for HTTP applications in chapter 12.
  23. Updated Kubernetes version in chapter 14 example to 1.13.8 (thanks to @torenware!).
  24. Fixed a typo in chapter 2 (thanks to @atatevyan!).
  25. Fixed a missing end parentheses in chapter 4 (thanks to @VoidSignal!).
  26. Fixed multiple typos in chapters 7, 10, and 13 (thanks to @erikj!).
  27. Removed section on Accelrated mode in chapter 3 since it is no longer in existence (thanks to @evilhamsterman!).
  28. Clarified explanation of vagrant up and vagrant provision in chapter 2 (thanks to @charlieok!).
  29. Fixed other typos in chapters 1 and 2 (thanks to @charlieok!).
  30. Rewrote section on backgrounded asynchronous tasks, since polling has been broken since Ansible 2.0 (see Issue #91).
  31. Fixed issue with retrieving nodePort from K8s cluster in chapter 14; switched from k8s to k8s_info module.
  32. Fixed minor typos in chapter 4, 6, 8, 9, and 10 (thanks to @jlmuir!).
  33. Fixed text regarding include_tasks and dynamic filenames in chapter 6 (thanks to @atatevyan!).
  34. Rewrite Docker Flask app example in chapter 13 to fix many broken things.
  35. Fixed deprecation notices caused by outdated examples in chapters 4, 7 and 13 (refer to issue #165).
  36. Fixed state=link confusion with ownership in chapter 3 (thanks to @vedvyas and Jeffrey 'jf' Lim!).
  37. Fixed deprecated with_items use with yum module in playbook idempotence example in chapter 4 (thanks to Jeffrey 'jf' Lim!).
  38. Fixed line numbering issue in node.js example in chapter 4 (thanks to Jeffrey 'jf' Lim!).
  39. Removed a few uses of shell module where not required in chapter 4 Drupal example (thanks to Jeffrey 'jf' Lim!).
  40. Updated Solr version in chapter 4 example to 8.2.0, and switched from shell to command for Solr install command (thanks to Jeffrey 'jf' Lim!).
  41. Switch from deprecated copy: no to remote_src: true usage in Solr example in chapter 4 (thanks to Jeffrey 'jf' Lim!).
  42. Updated book version to 1.20, set latest Ansible version to 2.8.4.

Version 1.16 - 1.17

  1. Updated Mac Ansible install instructions in chapter 1 (thanks to @vtraida!).
  2. Install Django version 1.x in chapter 3 example so it works with CentOS 7 out of the box (thanks to @everett-toews!).
  3. Tidied up ntpd service detection in example script in chapter 2 (thanks to Germain G!).
  4. Added more detailed current book publication stats in the preface (thanks to vinceskahan!).
  5. Removed mention of nonexistent host_vars/all inventory file in chapter 5 (thanks to @vaygr!).
  6. Updated link to Hashicorp's Vagrant box directory in chapter 2 (thanks to bryankennedy!).
  7. Added note about overcoming host key prompts when connecting to a server for the first time in chapter 3 (thanks to i-zu!).
  8. Mention .bash_login instead of repeating .bash_profile ad nauseam in chapter 5 (thanks to jdavid5815!).
  9. Fixed a typo in chapter 6 (thanks to jdavid5815!).
  10. Add become: yes to playbook example for Node.js App deployment in chapter 4 (thanks to krystan!).
  11. Fixed a typo in chapter 5 (thanks to nkabir!).
  12. Use https for git repository in chapter 4 and chapter 6 includes examples (thanks to dglinder!).
  13. Add chapter 13, dedicated to Docker and Ansible. Move Docker content from chapter 8 into this new chapter.
  14. Updated cowsay quote in chapter 8 (moved it's cowsay to chapter 13).
  15. Add Hubot Slack bot example in chapter 13.
  16. Add chapter 14, dedicated to Kubernetes and Ansible.
  17. Fixed typo in MySQL example in chapter 8 (thanks to ck05!).
  18. Install dependency libssl-dev to ensure self-signed cert example works in chapter 12.
  19. Fix spelling errors in chapter 13.
  20. Standardize on spelling 'web server' instead of 'webserver'.
  21. Adjusted Remi's repo and GPG key URLs to use https (thanks to scottdavis99!).

Version 1.15 - 1.16

  1. Updated example Dockerfiles; removed usage of deprecated MAINTAINER property.
  2. Updated HAProxy example in chapter 9 to use with_items: "{{ variable }}" syntax.
  3. Updated Includes and Role vars examples in chapter 6 to use with_items: "{{ variable }}" syntax.
  4. Fixed withitems and withindexed_items syntax in chapter 8 AWS LAMP infrastructure example (thanks to Ben K!).
  5. Switch the memcached_listen_ip to in chapter 8 LAMP infrastructure example so Memcached starts more reliably.
  6. Use 64-bit CentOS image in chapter 8 DigitalOcean LAMP infrastructure example (thanks to @mattjmcnaughton!).
  7. Updated URLs for Cobbler and Func in introduction (thanks to @codeyy!).
  8. Added chapter 12: "Automating HTTPS and TLS Certificates".
  9. Switch from using '.dev' to '.test' for local domains.
  10. Switch from using ansible.sudo to ansible.become in Vagrantfiles.
  11. Fix typo in chapter 11 (double 'a's) (thanks to bngsudheer!).
  12. Switch incorrect usage of 'most any' to 'almost any' in chapter 11 (thanks to @Gogowitsch!).
  13. Updated now-deprecated use of include: to import_tasks: or include_tasks:.
  14. Fixed three typos spotted by Amazon Kindle's AI bot that loves good spelling.
  15. Updated DigitalOcean provisioning example in chapter 8 to work with new size and image slugs.
  16. Updated Docker Flask example in chapter 8 to use Ubuntu 16.04 and library MySQL image.
  17. Updated use of include: to import_playbook: in examples in chapter 9.
  18. Updated DigitalOcean playbook to use new size and image slugs in chapter 7.

Version 1.14 - 1.15

  1. Updated the creates examples in chapter 4's Drupal example to be Composer-specific (thanks to @santisaez!).
  2. Updated the Drupal example to default to Drupal 8.2.x (was 8.1.x).
  3. Updated the Drupal example to use PHP 7.1 instead of 7.0.
  4. Updated the Drupal example to install Ondrej's updated and maintained PPA (thanks to @jonleibowitz!).
  5. Rewrote appendix a in light of the Windows 10 WSL and Bash on Ubuntu on Windows.
  6. Updated documentation to switch from deprecated always_run: yes to check_mode: no.
  7. Fixed Node.js rolling deployment example's forever usage in chapter 9 (thanks to @mattjmcnaughton!).
  8. Fixed bare variable warning for environment setting in chapter 9 Rails deployment playbook.
  9. Fixed Drupal playbook example in chapter 4; drush git checkout is now version: 8.x (thanks to @cwardgar, @rschmidtz, and @scarroy!).
  10. Fixed Docker example in chapter 8; docker module is deprecated, use the docker_container module instead.
  11. Fixed Drupal playbook includes example in chapter 6 (to match tasks from chapter 4 Drupal playbook) (thanks to @cwardgar!).
  12. Fixed reference to docker-py Pip library (now it's just docker) in chapter 8.
  13. Switched Jenkins example in chapter 11 to use Ubuntu 16.04 since CentOS 7 doesn't include Java 8 by default.
  14. Removed deprecated {{ var }} syntax from Node.js when clauses in examples in chapters 4 and 5.
  15. Fixed links to various Ansible Galaxy roles that were 404'ing.
  16. Updated Solr example in chapter 4 to use Solr 6.5.1.

Version 1.13 - 1.14

  1. Fixed typo in Node.js app section in chapter 4 (thanks to @guntbert!).
  2. In chapter 1, when installing Ansible on Mac via pip, don't use sudo (thanks to @rdonkin!).
  3. In chapter 4, an incorrect use of 'play' was replaced with 'task' in 'Power Plays' (thanks to @guntbert!).
  4. In chapters 3, 8, and 11, updated multiple instances of -s and --sudo in ad-hoc commands; should use -b and --become instead (thanks to @charleshepner!).
  5. Fixed typo: s/infrasturcture/infrastructure in chapter 9 (thanks to /u/levelupirl!).
  6. Rewrote entire Travis CI testing section in chapter 11 to use Docker for multi-platform tests.
  7. Added a note on SSH key IDs in chapter 7 and chapter 8 DigitalOcean examples (thanks to @tychay!).
  8. Fixed playbook name (was do_test, should be provision) in chapter 7 (thanks to @tychay!).
  9. Removed deprecated include variables usage example in chapter 6 in 'Includes' section (thanks to @williamt!).
  10. Added unzip dependency to Drupal example in chapter 4 (thanks to @wurzeldub!).

Version 1.12 - 1.13

  1. Updated DigitalOcean example in chapter 7 to use DO v2 API, as well as updated nomenclature in Ansible 1.9.5/2.0+. See updated example in the book's repository: DigitalOcean Example.
  2. Updated DigitalOcean example in chapter 8 to use DO v2 API. See updated example in the book's repository: LAMP Infrastructure - DigitalOcean example.

Version 1.11 - 1.12

  1. Updated links to resources in Introduction, removed link to defunct Ansible Weekly newsletter.
  2. Fixed grammar mistakes in parts of the Foreword, Preface, and Introduction.
  3. Updated URLs to Vagrant resources in chapter 2.
  4. Added note about cleaning up example VM with vagrant destroy in chapter 2.
  5. Use [linked clones]( in Vagrantfiles for faster build in chapters 3, 7, 8, 9, and 11.
  6. Added 'Manage packages' section in chapter 3 to discuss different package modules like package, yum, and apt.
  7. Switched usage of sudo and sudo-related CLI options to become lingo for 1.9+.
  8. Updated Drupal playbook example in chapter 4 to use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and PHP 7.
  9. Updated Apache Solr playbook example in chapter 4 to use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Solr 6.1.0.
  10. Added example images of running Drupal and Apache Solr home pages in chapter 4.

Version 1.1 - 1.11

  1. Fixed Apache Solr mirror URL in chapter 4—should be{{ solr_version }}/solr-{{ solr_version }}.tgz (thanks to @daniloradenovic!).
  2. Updated Drupal example in chapter 4 for Ubuntu 14.04 and PHP 5.6 (see this commit for specific changes; thanks to @e1nh4nd3r!).
  3. Updated Node.js app server example in chapter 4 to use yum for Remi repo install (see this commit for specific changes).
  4. Update a few lines for Ansible 2.1.x support.
  5. Fixed 'Variable Precedence' section in chapter 5 for Ansible 2.x (see Ansible's updated documentation on Variable Precedence; thanks to @daniel!).
  6. Updated misspellings of 'RedHat' to 'Red Hat' or 'RHEL' when referring to the OS.

Version 1.0 - 1.1

  1. Fixed sentence describing use of serial: 2 in chapter 9 (inside "Ensuring zero downtime with serial" section).
  2. Fixed sentence describing SSH password behavior in chapter 10 (inside "SSH" section). The sentence about disabling password-based SSH authentication should read "Even though passwords are not sent in the clear".
  3. Fixed private key destination path in example in chapter 6 (inside "Includes" section). The private key destination should read:
    dest: "/home/{{ username }}/.ssh/{{ item.dest }}"
  4. Fixed order of vars_files includes in example in chapter 5 (inside "Playbook Variables" section). The example should read:
    - hosts: example
        - "apache_default.yml"
        - "apache_{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
        - service: name={{ apache }} state=running
  5. Updated usage of become instead of now-deprecated sudo throughout book and examples (thanks to David!).
  6. Fixed task name text in idempotence example in chapter 4 (thanks to Joel S!).
  7. Fixed Node.js Forever installation in chapter 4 and chapter 6 due to Ansible npm module bug; state=latest is now state=present (thanks to Stephen W!).
  8. Add geerlingguy.php-mysql role to LAMP server example in chapter 6 (thanks to Paul M!).
  9. Fixed typo in "Configure PHP with lineinfile" example in chapter 4 (thanks to Adrian!).
  10. Fixed script name in bullet point 5 under the DigitalOcean dynamic inventory section in chapter 7 (thanks to Adrian!).

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